Tonight, as I was sipping wine, I was reflecting on a few things. We all have secrets or little know facts about ourselves. We rarely divulge them. I thought tonight, fueled by a glass of wine, I would share some of mine.
- Confession #1 – This is starting with a big one. Super embarrassing. I used to pick my nose when I was little and wipe it on the wall next to my bed. My mom would make me use a brillo pad to clean the wall occasionally. GROSS! At least I know I didn’t eat them….
- Confession #2 – I had more than one glass of wine before writing this post.
- Confession #3 – I have sent my kids to bed early, not because they were being naughty, just because they were driving me crazy or I was crabby. To be honest, I would have went to bed early myself but apparently that is not allowed.
- Confession #4 – I once bought a pair of shoes from a very large retailer, wore them twice, decided I didn’t like them and then returned them, stating they were uncomfortable. In my defense, I ended up simply returning the one pair but buying two more. Yes, I know this is bad. I only did it once. I still feel guilty.
- Confession #5 – I cheated on my high school boyfriend once. Again, in my defense, he cheated on me first. More than once.
- Confession #6 – Sometimes I think my husband is a better parent than I am. He is more fun. I am more business.
- Confession #7 – Sometimes I don’t like shopping. Since I get to do it all day long with other people, I don’t always feel like doing it for myself. Or Hubby. Or the kidlets.
- Confession #8 – I pray Hubby never learns to like premium denim, so I do not have to cut my own denim budget to buy him expensive jeans. Same for Biggest and Littlest.
- Confession #9 – When Hubby and the kidlets are out of town, I don’t want to go out much. I just want to go home and sit in silence. With wine. Alone. So dreamy.
- Confession #10 – I don’t always think the customer is right. Sometimes the customer is wrong. I know this from experience. (See confession #4)
- Confession #11 – On my days off, I often skip doing my hair and putting on makeup. I almost always manage to shower or take a bath though.
- Confession #12 – On my 16th birthday, I learned why you should not drink underage. Especially the bulk of a bottle of Malibu rum, straight. Sorry, Mom. I didn’t really go to see “The Three Musketeers” after leaving the store Christmas party. I still can’t drink that stuff, almost 20 years later.
- Confession #13 – I used to let the dogs sneak up on the couch with me when Hubby was gone. Then I realized he let them do it when I was home. What the hell?
- Confession #14 – For the past couple of years I have attended Comic Con. I even dress up in costume. I look cool. (SJ&YP note: Yup, that is me as Jem from Jem and the Holograms)
- Confession #15 - I am a member of a book club called the Book Fluffers. Yup. I said it. The Book Fluffers. Surprisingly, we actually read the books we pick. Well, the other members do. I usually read the book a month or two later. However, I still find ways to add to the discussion at the meetings.
- Confession #16 – When I was younger, I would put Miracle Whip on bread and call it a sandwich. Um..yeah.
- Confession #17 – I could post more but a girl needs a few secrets. And I have not had that much wine.
- Confession #18 – I wish I had more votes on Top Mommy Blogs. It would make me feel popular. Clicking on the image below or at the right would do it. Please? Pretty please????
- Confession #19 – I have had that much wine. I just understand moderation as it pertains to the internet, not to the wine.