OK, now that we have explored what Comic Con is (see Comic Con: Part 1- Welcome to the Nerdy Side), let’s look at what makes it so fun and turns it into a sick addiction. This will be me and Bestie’s third year in attendance. Our plan for greatness seems to evolve each year. Let’s take a look back at the past two years.
Year One – The Addiction Begins
Look how cute and innocent we are.
So our first year at Comic Con, Bestie and I had no clue what we were in for. We quickly learned. We were in lines. Lots and lots of lines. Long lines. Seemingly never ending lines. Sounds fun right? It actually was! We made friends during our time at Comic Con, some of which we still talk to and meet up with when we go.
This is the line for Hall H, where most of the major movie panels are held. This was full of Twi-hards.
We also learned we will run into celebrities. Everywhere. Often if you sleep outside in a line to wait for a panel, celebs will come by to visit you. Sometimes they even hand out swag and breakfast.
Bestie with Elizabeth Reaser (best known as Esme Cullen from the Twilight Saga)
For the celebrities you don’t see walking down the street, you can sit front row for some of Hollywood’s biggest names and upcoming shows or movies. We were fourth row or better for movie or TV show panels like “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1,” “True Blood,” “Snow White and the Huntsman,” and “Prometheus.” You name it and Hollywood probably has a panel with major celebrities attending to represent it.
Why yes, that IS Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried, promoting the movie “In Time.”
Hello Chris Hemsworth. Oh, I guess Charlize Theron is in the picture too….
Even if you don’t see celebrities, you will see people dressed up. Everywhere. Seriously. Everywhere. And dressed like anything you could ever imagine. We kept seeing a seven foot tall Grim Reaper walking around the Gas Lamp District. Not even in the convention center. Just walking around. We tried to avoid him, just in case.
Just caught this walking past the Convention Center.
Nightlife can be extremely fun. You never know when you might end up having drinks with Navy Seals and then pay $30 for a 2 block pedal cab ride. No, I am not posting a picture of that night, not am I giving more details than that.
Year Two – The Addiction Worsens
Year Two at Comic Con, we had a better handle on what we wanted to do and what we were willing to do. We learned that lines happen. This year was no different except that we figured out to bring stuff to do in line. Books on an eReader are helpful. Card games, like Cards Against Humanity, or a regular deck of cards help too. Also, make friends with the people around you so you can take turns waiting in line and showering (showering is key at Comic Con. The rest of the attendees will thank you for it.).
Line for Hall H again. This is where you are when you don’t sleep outside for it.
Seriously. The things you see in line.
After year one, we realized, the cool kids go in cosplay (costume play). Now you can’t just phone in your costume, you need to do it up right. So for months we stressed and sweated what we would do, coming up with two costumes each. It is even more fun when people ask to take your picture or pose with you. I was even interviewed by a Los Angeles reporter for their morning segment.
Bestie as Jareth (from Labyrinth)
Can you find me?
Bestie as Silk Spectre (Watchmen) with her boyfriend, Nathan Fillion
My girl, Mel, of Studiothreesixty5, as a Trekkie at her first Comic Con experience
Me as Jem from Jem and the Holograms. Truly outrageous. Truly, truly, truly outrageous.
The nightlife was just as fun this year. Thankfully, after year one, we learned to live on a few hours sleep and 5 Hour Energy drinks. I do not recommend it long term but it got us by for the four days we were at Comic Con. We also learned to hydrate whenever possible. No Navy Seals but we still made it a great time. Look, I even have a photo to show you from this year!
Good times had by all.
And what would Comic Con be without gratuitous celebrity sightings on the street?
Colin Ferguson from Eureeka, just walking down the street…
And if you are REALLY lucky, you can share your Sponge Bob Squarepants sleeping bag with Joss Whedon himself…..
Yeah. Like I was going to post that picture? Please. I have more respect for Mr. Whedon than that. But it did happen to Mel. I don’t think Bestie will ever wash that sleeping bag again.
Since this post was so heavily laden with pictures, I am going to bring it to a close. Either your nerdy side has been awakened and intrigued by reading/looking at this or it hasn’t. But either way, just know this, no matter who you are, no matter what you are into, Comic Con is a good time for everyone. I look forward to seeing what 2013 has to bring.

Special thank you to Mel and Bestie for letting me use some of their Comic Con pictures for this post.