Thursday, December 27, 2012

I’m in Trouble.

I’m in trouble.  Deep, deep trouble.  Starting December 31st, I am moving to a new Hot Mama location. Actually, I am picking up where my good friend, Ashley Coconut, is leaving off!   It is very exciting for me, since this is the first store I ever shopped at.  It is where my addiction began over six years ago.  I like to think of it as the mother ship calling me home.  But this is not why I am in trouble. 

It is the neighbors.

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In the past, I have always managed to keep myself out of trouble in these stores.  Mostly because they are far enough away and I am not a huge online shopper when it comes to clothes.  Sure, my kids can wear clothes without trying them on first, but Mommy cannot.  Thanks to my sheer laziness when it comes to shopping at a store besides my own or any other within walking distance, I have always been able to keep control of my spending.  Well….mostly.

Now I am surrounded by neighbors.  Neighbors who beckon me with their soft fabrics, comfy yoga pants and trendy home goods.  I will be tormented by seeing shopping bags constantly or hearing whispers of sales or new merchandise.  These neighbors will constantly call to me, begging me to shop, if not for me, for my readers.


I am screwed.

Sorry in advance, Hubby.


  1. Damn...You just got your credit card back from the hubs too. I'll be waiting to see how long it takes him to take it back again ;)

    1. Ha! Hubs hasn't taken my credit card. That was Ashley Coconut's credit card and hubby. Mine will get my credit card if he can pry it from my cold lifeless fingers after I die. Even then he still might not get it....

  2. Yep, you're definitely in trouble!!! :-0
    I'll miss you at Woodbury Lakes though! :(

  3. You forgot Pottery Barn and Red Balloon. It may look like a kids book store but it is full of good reads that Amy recommends. ;)
