As a stylist at Hot Mama, I have mass quantities of fun while I am at work. As I tell my kids, "Mommy gets to play Barbies all day!" Pretty sure they take that literally. However, as much fun as it is to go to work, it is not without its challenges. Often, I run into shoppers who are not familiar with the Hot Mama experience that we provide. People have become so jaded as customers, they have started to approach shopping as a war: customer versus the dreaded salesperson. Customer service that was once held to such a high standard has fallen to the wayside at many stores. However, at Hot Mama (and a few others), we still believe in it and strive to provide it to you with passion. So here are some confessions from the inside to make your shopping experience with us (or any other store like us) much easier!
- When we start a conversation with you, it is not because we are trying to sell you. Shockingly, I am actually interested in what you are doing today. Or where you got those amazing shoes (I might want a pair). Or what you have planned for the weekend. Or just simply how your day going. I am truly listening - not planning my next move to "sell" you. How can I be of any help if I don't get to know you? Besides, shopping is much more fun if you are with girlfriends.
- We don't make commission, so please do not call me a sales person. I am a stylist. I am at Hot Mama because I want to be here. True story. I am pulling tons of items for you to try on because I actually want you to look and feel hot. Seriously. That is the only reason. Well, that and it is fun for me. It is my job and I love doing it. If I have to sell you on something, it is not a good choice for you, your lifestyle, your body type, or your budget.
- Your children are really not bugging me. The whole reason we have a play area in the store is so you can bring them with you. So, your five-year-old is crawling under the clothing racks while your two-year-old is busy grinding animal crackers into the carpet. Whatever. Stuff happens. I am not bothered by it. Kids will be kids. I have yet to wish another parent would take their kids out of the store. Usually, I just find them entertaining and fun. Now, MY kids? They sometimes bug me when they are in the store. But they act like a couple of wild hooligans who have lost their brains and manners. Oddly enough, everyone else seems to think they are cute. Go figure.
- No one looks as hard at your body as you do. Think about it for a minute. What do you do when you look in the mirror? Zero in on your "flaws." Now ask yourself this: what do you think everyone else is doing? They are looking at themselves! Did you really think you were the only person to do this? Really? People are so focused on themselves, they do not notice whatever minor or imaginary imperfection you are finding with yourself. I wish you could see in the mirror what I see when I look at you, because I truly don't see whatever "flaws" you are talking about and trying to point to. I just see the fabulous woman in front of me.
- Dress the body you HAVE, not the body you WANT. I would love to be three sizes smaller. But I am not. So I choose to rock the curves I have. Why deny yourself the feeling of being fabulous because you would like to lose five more pounds, or have longer legs or a bigger chest? Love the skin you are in and be the most fabulous YOU that you can possibly be. It is extremely freeing and much more fun.
- Yes, I am being honest with you. What good does it do me to lie to you? No good at all. If I lie and send you out the door looking less than stellar, that reflects bad on me and Hot Mama. Plus, why would you ever want to come back? Or tell your friends to come in? It is my job to be honest (in a very nice way) to help guide you to items which fit and flatter. Besides, I am a terrible liar. You would be able to tell. I have absolutely no poker face.
- No, I do not spend my entire paycheck at Hot Mama. But I secretly want to.
- I don't want you to buy anything you don't love. If you don’t want to run right home to put it on, why spend the money on it? We get more product in every day. It is like Christmas morning every day at our store, and our UPS guy, Bob, is Santa Claus. I would rather have someone come in frequently to shop than do it one or two huge bursts a year. It keeps your closet fresher and helps you find more things you actually are excited about.
So next time you are out shopping, think about the person who is approaching you. You will know in a minute or less what their motivation is, simply by talking to them. You might be surprised to find out, they have your best intentions in mind. Customer service is not dead, so give us a chance to prove it!
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